Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Last day of school

My apologies for the lack of updates recently; the trip to Tokyo was a major distraction. I'm back now though, with a little more time to write, and a whole backlog to catch up on. So I'd better get on with it, hadn't I?

The elementary school I was at before the break organized Christmas celebrations on the last day of term, which caught me completely off guard. I wasn't expecting to be asked to wear christmassy bunny ears and say hi to all the kids at lunchtime. Neither was I expecting the principal to dress up as Rudolph and go visiting:

What a good sport. XD It's nice to have a school where the guy in charge has a sense of humour.

School lunch also included a special treat: Christmas cake! Not the incredibly rich and dense fruit cakes soaked in alcohol that most people are used to, but a fluffy sponge filled with fresh whipped cream and strawberry jam. Yum!

To top it all off, I totally didn't expect to be given this by the teachers:

No one's ever given me flowers before! I feel loved. *sniff* They really didn't have to, but it was really sweet of them to think of me. I guess this is one of those moments that make me think I'm not that bad at this job. ^^

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