Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Rove ain't got nuthin' on this...

Due to websites like, lots of people probably expect to come to Japan to be tickled by the local English. At first I thought I'd be inundated with things like telephone manuals that tell you to "f*ck the phone" and other such delicious non sequiturs, but gems like those are surprisingly hard to find. Not all Engrish is hilarious, but I'll try my best to post any "what the..?" moments I do manage to catch.

And just to be fair, I'll start off with something seen in a health care facility in Sydney:

"That'll teach them about emergency fire exits!"

In the local supermarket:
Reluctant housewives take note!

On the packaging of a souvenir cake:
Ok ok, this one's a bit of a stretch unless you're from Singapore or Malaysia and know that "cheese pie" sounds uncomfortably like the name for a region of the female anatomy...

Oh yeah... I just realized that turned on moderation for everyone's comments, but didn't know anyone had commented in the first place. Sorry guys! I'll check more often from now on.

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